Nitrogen Recovery Solutions

In the wake of ever-increasing costs, changing regulations around fertilizer use and tighter restrictions on Nitrogen and Nitrous Oxide levels, nutrient removal and recovery, especially Nitrogen is high on the list of priorities for industry and municipalities alike. Particularly when considering that around 2.5% of the global Natural Gas consumption is used to convert Nitrogen in the air into Ammonia for artificial fertilizers. One of the biggest concerns for Municipalities, in particular, is Nitrous oxide – or ‘laughing gas’, a harmful greenhouse gas that is the third biggest compound of concern behind Carbon Dioxide and Methane. It is also the largest human-related threat to the ozone layer. Applying proven nitrogen recovery solutions for industrial and municipal sectors. Seeking to rise to these challenges, Byosis has developed advanced, specially designed technologies to handle the removal of Ammonia from heavily polluted streams such as digestate and industrial wastewater using minimal heat consumption and little to no chemical agents. Using this low-energy economic method, they have seen impressive removal rates whilst also reducing the Carbon Footprint of the systems, setting them apart from traditional technologies. Byosis stands for practical, feasible and customer-specific solutions. Whether the input material is crops, agricultural residues, industrial waste, green waste, sludge, municipal waste or highly contaminated wastewater, Byosis offers solutions to recover the nutrients, remove ammonia and significantly improve the efficiency and capacity of your process.
Why apply innovative stripping technology over conventional stripping technology?
- No pre-filtration is required, and in some circumstances no separation is required
- No chemicals are necessary to increase pH in the majority of systems
- Very low off gas bleed stream with low loads.
- Very low energy consumption
- Heat recovery
Advantages over biological treatment; MBR-RO /nitrification-denitrification / anammox:
- Carbon footprint: Ammonia recovery is far more energy efficient than traditional processes.
- Potential revenue with the production of high-quality liquid fertilizers: ammonium sulfate or ammonium nitrate.
- Simple physical process: more flexible than complex biological systems and less sensitive to fluctuations in load.
- Compact design, easy-to-operate and reliable equipment
- No need for an expensive carbon source (with aerobic bacteria)
- No risk of legionella formation and exposure.
- Prevention or significant reduction of nitrous oxide emissions
CAPEX and OPEX benefits of renewable fertilizers/products:
- The Byosis ‘ByoFlex®’ systems are competitive vs traditional technologies like Anammox, and MBR with:
- OPEX costs range from 0,15 to 1 €/kg N removed
- TOTEX cost varies between 1-2 €/m3 throughput
- The Byosis ‘ByoNix®:’ systems are competitive vs conventional technology depending on the local availability of utilities and desired products.
For more information and biogas projects, read BiogasWorld’s Canadian Biogas Magazine.