Brazil’s Biogas Market is Getting Hot

Brazil has almost 1000 operational biogas plants and has the potential to almost quadruple the biogas production in short-term. Read more in CIBiogas’ freshly released report on Brazilian biogas market.
Brazilian biogas market shows a steady growth, doubling the number of its plants within past five years, counting 935 operational sites in 2022, producing 2.8 billion Nm3 per year. Many North American and European companies are interested in this market due to its enormous potential: the long-term theoretical biogas production potential reaches nearly 85 billion Nm3 per year.

Source: CIBiogas, Brazilian Biogas Outlook 2022. CIBiogás (Brazil) Technical Report nº
001/2023 – Foz do Iguaçu, CIBiogás, 2023.
The majority of plants are located in the South and Southeastern regions of Brazil, where more than 75% of the biogas plants are located.

Source: CIBiogas, Brazilian Biogas Outlook 2022. CIBiogás (Brazil) Technical Report nº001/2023 – Foz do Iguaçu, CIBiogás, 2023.
Similar to other countries, agricultural plants represent the majority of biogas plants in Brazil by number, however, most biogas is produced by landfills and WWTPs.
“The Brazilian biogas market has matured a lot in recent years. Considering the last 10 years, the market has increased 10 times its size. Our current biogas production is still below 5% of our capacity. We have the full capacity to be the largest producer of biogas in the world. To do this, we look at three main points: updating our regulatory base, expanding the supply chain and innovating business models,” says Felipe Marques, technology development director of CIBiogás.
“BiogasWorld’s recent survey of biogas professionals showed that there is a huge interest in Brazilian market. Many well-established companies like Bauer Compressors or Anka Yenilenebilir Enerji are looking to expand into this market and take advantage of its growth. We are extremely pleased to have the opportunity to work with CIBiogás to ensure the growth of Brazil’s biogas market,” says Natalia Bourenane, general manager of BiogasWorld.
The full report is available at Brazilian Biogas Market Report
Other industry reports are available for free in Biogas Community library.
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BiogasWorld is a business generation network and project support platform, connecting the suppliers of products and services with project developers. BiogasWorld delivers services via the BiogasWorld and Biogas Community platforms.
About CIBiogas
CIBiogás – International Renewable Energy Center – Biogas is a Science, Technology and Innovation organization, dedicated to the development of biogas as a clean and competitive energy resource, with the aim of promoting the renewable energy market.
Started more than 10 years ago and focused on solving environmental impacts, CIBiogas emerged from the initiative of Itaipu Binacional and the Itaipu Technological Park to carry out actions that developed the biogas theme and the development of the biogas value chain and supply chain. To date, the institution has executed several projects with partners, related to biogas and biomethane throughout Brazil and other advanced fuels, such as hydrogen from biogas.
CIBiogás has the 1st Biogas Laboratory in Brazil accredited by the General Accreditation Coordination of Inmetro – CGCRE in the ISO 17025:2017 standard, for the Biochemical Potential of Methane test and launched the first business club focused on biogas and biomethane, BiogasClub, which has members from across the sector to integrate and jointly develop innovative solutions for the fastest growing market in the world.
For more information, please contact
Natalia Bourenane, general manager of BiogasWorld Media Inc. at
Felipe Marques, technology development director of CIBiogás at