GGSS deadline

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  • #39876


    During the webinar, it was mentioned that there should be no extra support scheme after the current GGSS ends. When is the deadline?

  • Natalia updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago 1 Member · 2 Replies
  • Natalia

    28 June 2024 at 6:44 am

    Reply by Dr. Nick Primmer @future-biogas : The GGSS application and commissioning deadline is now 31 March 2028, and support is secured for 15 years per application.

  • Natalia

    3 July 2024 at 3:05 pm

    Comment by Sara Barle @rea : I think there is a tying of the two presentations within this question. Firstly, there has been a consultation on a future biomethane framework which is investigating what could follow the GGSS. Although this is not confirmed the government has been supportive of biomethane production and its contribution to decarbonising heat. As this is being consulted on its difficult to talk too much about what it will be however Nick rightly confirmed that government are keen to move away from the more generous tariff-based support mechanisms (as with the GGSS and its predecessor the RHI) and is more likely to be a supplier obligation or contract for difference scheme. As the GGSS will end for registered and commissioned application by no later than March 2028 there is a commitment for biomethane into the grid up to a max of 31 March 2043 with as Nick pointed out a contract of no more than 15yrs, So there is time to get a new scheme to follow agreed and embedded to transition. Mick mentioned in his presentation about moving to unsubsidised AD plants and it is hoped that plants will be self sufficient in the future.

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