BiogasWorld Launches Resources on Social Acceptability of RNG Projects in Canada

Visual - A biogas plant on a vast grassfield.

Projects’ inability to address root causes of real and perceived negative effects of RNG plant’s implementation may result in project development delays and even a project’s cancellation.

Social acceptability of RNG (biomethane) projects is one of the barriers for current RNG (biomethane) industry development not only in Canada but abroad.

To understand the particularities of RNG projects, BiogasWorld produced several resources to help project developers including:

  • Report of particularities of RNG social acceptability and suggestions on how to address the concerns
  • Guidelines for four types of RNG facilities with specific advice
  • Brochures on RNG and its benefits for different facilities types

All resources are available in English and French.

This project has been partially funded by Natural Resources Canada’s Clean Fuels Awareness Program.

For more information, please contact

Natalia Bourenane, General Manager, BiogasWorld, at [email protected]

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