Quick-Stairs: Safety Stairway System

Graphic - Banner for IEC's article about how safety stairs can make your biogas plant more secure.

Written by Michael Lever, Technical Sales & Business Development Manager from Industrial & Environmental Concepts, Inc.

IEC (Industrial & Environmental Concepts, Inc.) is an industry leader in the fabrication and installation of geomembrane liner systems, and biogas collection and storage covers for tanks and lagoons. With more than 30 years of experience working with high-profile customers who demand the highest levels of safety while working at their facilities, IEC has also adopted safety practices, policies, and products that surpass conventional industry standards to meet stringent safety requirements.

Most RNG/biogas worksites at municipal, industrial, and agricultural facilities have variations in topography. The Quick-Stairs safety stairway system is essential for safety during construction activities, and for long-term use implementing daily O&M activities on site. Areas that have difficult terrain and slopes for foot traffic can be problematic and unsafe for workers, especially while carrying tools or when conditions are wet or icy. IEC’s Quick-Stairs were developed as a solution for workers to walk up and down slopes safely, without the need for additional earthwork modifications, or for time-consuming and expensive setups of metal or wooden stairways. IEC’s Quick-Stairs incorporate a simple, yet sturdy, adjustable galvanized non-slip stair tread mounted to a flexible belt system that can be placed directly on top of any slope or liner. The treads can be adjusted from 0 to 52 degrees with basic hand tools and without the need for any ground surface preparations.

Visual - Safety stairs from IEC.

The Quick-Stairs safety stairway system can be manufactured by IEC to any length desired and are available with handrails for added safety. The stairway system is portable, enabling it to be relocated to other project sites or locations with minimal effort and little disassembly.

Taking things one STEP further… (yes, that pun was intended!), IEC can provide Quick-Stairs for use in lined lagoons for exit egress points. Liners can be slippery, and falling into any lined lagoon, especially an anaerobic lagoon or any waste lagoon that is generating biogas, can be deadly without a quick means of escape. IEC’s Quick-Stairs are a cost-effective and simple long-term safety solution, which will not damage liners.

Visual - Safety stairs from IEC.

With proper installation, Quick-Stairs are used by IEC, contractors, and by our customers, for safe and effective entry and exit over secondary containment berms at tank farms, treatment plants and RNG facilities. The Quick-Stairs safety stairway system is an affordable and effective system to protect personnel during both construction and routine O&M activies.

For more information on IEC’s Quick-Stairs and other products, please visit www.ieccovers.com or contact us at [email protected] or 952.829.0731

To learn more, read our Safety Magazine.

Visual - Safety stairs from IEC.


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