Program Preview of the 17th International Bioenergy Congress, Valladolid-Spain

Graphic - Banner for the press release about the Program Preview of the 17 th International Bioenergy Congress, Valladolid-Spain.

The 17th International Bioenergy Congress (#CIB24) advances the program of conferences and round tables that will be held on October 1 and 2 at Feria de Valladolid, Spain, in parallel with the 4th Renewable Gas Show under the theme “Renewable gases: the great allies in the defossilization of the economy.”

The CIB24 will feature nearly 50 speakers who will address from all angles how to leverage the growing potential of renewable gases such as biogas and biomethane to defossilize our economy efficiently and sustainably.

Javier Díaz, president of AVEBIOM, assures that “the sessions have been designed so that experts, researchers, and professionals in this energy sector can present the latest technical innovations and discuss with the audience the best ways to address the challenges and seize the opportunities that will allow maximizing the benefits of renewable gases.”

Topics will include injection into existing gas networks, the current and future regulatory framework governing the production and use of biogas, and the integration of biomethane into local realities to promote a lasting circular economy.

Additionally, several success stories have been selected to demonstrate how renewable gases can be effectively integrated into various sectors and contribute significantly to defossilization. For example, a tourist resort that converts its waste into energy and fertilizers or a project that valorizes by-products from olive oil production.

We will learn first-hand about exceptional projects leading the transition to a more sustainable model, from urban sludge anaerobic digestion plants to biomethanation plant expansion projects. Novel technological developments for the purification and generation of renewable gases from biomass and waste or more efficient and sustainable CO2 liquefaction technologies will also be presented.

The promotion of self-consumption of biogas and biomethane will be another central theme, with presentations dedicated to how to integrate it into the primary sector and its life cycle assessment. Synergies between biogas production and green methanol will be analyzed, as well as how new biogas plants facilitate the development of different applications for CO2 that can further contribute to global decarbonization.

Luis Puchades, president of AEBIG, states that “the presentations have been selected under strict technical and market criteria so that the congress is the access point to the highest quality information available to all agents involved in the deployment of renewable gases in the peninsula and America.”


Key Debates Round Tables

The CIB24 will feature three round tables in which top-tier actors will address critical topics. The first round table will discuss how to develop the potential for biomethane production from a policy implementation perspective.

The social round table will try to resolve citizens’ doubts about new biogas and biomethane installation projects. The third and final round table will address the issue of digestates, exploring possible ways to manage this by-product of anaerobic digestion.

The International Bioenergy Congress (CIB 2024) will be held this year on October 1 and 2, 2024, at Feria de Valladolid, in parallel with the 4th Renewable Gas Show organized by the Spanish Biomass Association (AVEBIOM) in collaboration with its technical partner, the Spanish Biogas Association (AEBIG).

CIB24 Program:



The Spanish Biomass Association (AVEBIOM), established in 2004, brings together the main actors in the bioenergy sector throughout the entire biomass value chain. Its objective is to promote the development of the sector in Spain and contribute to increasing the sustainable consumption of biomass for energy purposes. Since 2006, it has organized Expobiomasa, the leading bioenergy fair in Spain, and the International Bioenergy Congress, and since 2021, the Renewable Gas Show, the key event to achieve the definitive deployment of biogas, biomethane, and other renewable gases in the country.



The Spanish Biogas Association (AEBIG) was founded in 2009. Its members are companies, individuals, and institutions active in the biogas sector at the national level. AEBIG represents and defends biogas as a renewable source, environmental improvement, and support for rural development. Its main mission is to promote biogas by creating a suitable framework for its development. AEBIG is a founding member of the European Biogas Association (EBA). It has been a technical partner of the Renewable Gas Show since its first edition.

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