The 5 New Features of Pollutec 2023

Graphic - Banner for Pollutec's press release about their event's 5 novelties in 2023.

Pollutec has been going for over 40 years. We are the benchmark exhibition for the ecological transition. Not least because we continue to innovate and build the show alongside you.

Here are 5 new features for the 2023 edition.

1. An exhibition for your innovations

For the first time, Pollutec will be showcasing the 12 innovations nominated for the Pollutec Innovation Awards 2023 in a specially-designed area called the Place des Lumières.

2. The start-up village

We’ve redesigned the start-up village. This year, you’ll find a start-up area strategically located throughout the show, featuring no fewer than 85 start-ups. They will have a special programme to present their projects, products or solutions, including a pitch session. Come and discover their innovations!

3. The Water Hub

Water Hub 2023, the result of a collaboration between Pollutec and 3 partners, key players in the sector combining their expertise, is a 200m² space dedicated to raising awareness of how drinking water supply networks work, featuring a reproduction of a real drinking water supply network.

4. The International Forum

The aim of this new forum is to give visibility to the international delegations who have come to find solutions to their challenges and needs, as well as to present major international projects and solutions for export. Speeches will be simultaneously translated into French and English.

5. Italy is the featured country

Italy will be the country of honour, a distinction that will enable it to showcase the power of its ecosystem in terms of environmental solutions and coastal management to the international community.

Attend the Pollutec evening

Once again this year, we invite you to join us for the Pollutec Evening. For the first time, it will be held at La Sucrière, a landmark venue in Lyon, at the heart of the Confluence district, a precursor of the city of the future. You can reserve your place once you have booked your place at Pollutec.

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